muwahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!
-Flaglerchat aka Patrick Mannix
Patrick Mannix, the poster we know as Flaglerchat, is a deeply disturbed individual. All through his life Mannix has been about 2 things: 1. Gathering peoples personal information and using it against them and 2. Being what everyone in Bristol, Virginia describes as a "gadfly".
Patrick Mannix's life has revolved around these two things for the past 35 years, long before "Flaglerchat" was ever born. His past employment has put himself in trusted positions to gather personal information (telephone service, postal service, currently serves as an election officer) and has made hundreds of requests to access private records.
When he's not on the hunt for personal information, he makes it his business to harass in other ways. He has been arrested and ejected from public meetings over thirteen times. He has made over 1,000 harassing calls to talk radio, and 3 different radio stations filed criminal charges against him. Mannix/Flaglerchat has filed so many frivolous lawsuits in Washington County, he is banned from ever filing one there again. In fact, because he was so disruptive, Washington county banned public speaking at meetings all together.
Whether it be at public meetings, message boards, or talk radio, below is the time line of a man obsessed with causing trouble in public forums.
Patrick J. Mannix
23404 Ivy Rd
Bristol, VA 24202-4750
Family of NYC Law Enforcement officers
Retired Air Force Vet Who worked in the telephone department
Moved to Bristol in 1981
Retired Postal worker
Serves as an election official
Jailed for calling talk radio
Pat Mannix saga 1992-2002 - Washington County Board of Supervisors
Request to access public records, without charge, of the current members of the Board of Supervisors for the entire time period each has served on the board by Patrick J. Mannix, Sr.; copy of Code of Virgin-ia, Section 15.1-531; letter to Mr. Mannix allowing access to records, stipulating conditions, and specific dates and times.
Patrick Mannix addressed the Supervisors repeating previous requests that the Board of Supervisors investigate his allegations against the Sheriff's Department and Commonwealth Attorney by filing his complaints with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
1993 Mannix was sued for Malicious prosecution
Lost and was ordered to pay $25,000 compensatory; $30,000 punitive damages
1998 Disorderly Conduct and Obstruction of Justice
1998 14 County Attorney Comments
a. Dismissal of Patrick J. Mannix, Sr. v. Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Board of Supervisors, et al. (regarding demand for payment of medical bills).
The County Attorney referenced a memorandum in agenda materials that advised the Board of court order entered on June 29, 2001, by Judge Joseph Tate dismissed with prejudice, a lawsuit that Mr. Mannix filed against the Board of Supervisors and
other defendants for payment of medical expenses that Mr. Mannix alleged incurred as a result of his removal from a meeting of the Board of Supervisors in April, 1998. She reported the referenced removal had resulted in Mr. Mannix’s conviction for disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice.
1999 Complaining that the Board of Supervisors sold a piece of land they did not own
2000 Patrick J. Mannix was convicted in a jury trial of disorderly conduct, in violation of Code § 18.2-415(A), and obstruction of justice, in violation of Code § 18.2-460.
2001 Trespassing on govt property and illegal possession of a key to govt property
2001 Commonwealth v. Patrick J. Mannix, Sr., (Charges: Trespass and Unauthorized Possession of Key) Has Been Set For Trial on August 1, 2001, 9:00 a.m., in Washington County Circuit Court
Ms. Bright advised that the matter of the Commonwealth v. Patrick J. Mannix, Sr. regarding unauthorized entry on and possession of a key to County property is set for trial, by jury, in the Washington County Circuit Court on August 1, 2001, at 9:00 a.m.
2001 Ran for Board of Supervisors on democratic ticket, lost
2001 Sued board of Supervisors
2001 Sued board of Supervisors for injuries sustained after being ejected from a meeting in 1998, lost
2001 Request for PI
2001 Freedom of Information letters pertain to information on closed door Board of Supervisors meetings
2002 Board of Supervisors eliminated public speaking at meetings because of Patrick Mannix
“It was more of a forum not for county business but it was more of a forum for political statements and anti-government statements,” said McCrady, who was not then a supervisor.LOLSUIT
Those who say they remember those days recall an individual who disrupted meetings and demanded to be heard on issues not relevant to the business at hand.
“They eliminated it to shut me up,” said Patrick Mannix, a self-described government watchdog who said he began attending board meetings in 1990 and started getting arrested at the meetings in 1995. Mannix said he was arrested 13 times over the years.
Since 1989, Mannix has sued 28 times in Washington County Circuit Court, not counting a divorce case and an application for a concealed handgun permit.
After over a decade of bogging down the courts with frivolous lawsuits and endless appeals, Patrick Mannix is BANNED from ever filing another lawsuit in Washington County, VA again.
Now, legally forbidden from harassing the Washington County Supervisors anymore, Mannix turns his obsession elsewhere.
Pat Mannix Saga 2002-2007 Sheriffs office and Talk Radio

2005 Mannix charged in Tennesee with telephone harassment
2005 Information Communications Corporation was represented within Case 12584 against Mannix by then Tennessee State Representative Jerome Cochran of Carter County, Tennessee. Exhibit A "Pat Mannix Calls to WPWT 870AM" provided to the Sullivan County Law Court by Information Communications Corporation, indicates that Pat Mannix attempted to call WPWT 870AM "Good Morning Tri-Cities" 521 times between September 5, 2005 and October 10, 2005 and also attempted to call the afternoon WPWT 870AM "The Local View" program 252 times between September 5, 2005 and October 10, 2005.
2005 Pat and his GINGER wife divorce
But who gets to keep the POODLE?!?!?!
No matter, because the "old bear" is trying to score chicks on Craigslist, LMAO!!
Why won't Catherine let you be yourself? Because you're an egoistical psychopath?!?!?
2007 Mannix runs for Sheriff, uses Topix for his mudslinging campaign against Sheriff Newman, loses election
Sheriff Fred Newman
2007 Run for Washington county Sheriff
Mudslinging of Fred Newman on the internet
"It’s not mudslinging if it’s true," Independent candidate Patrick Mannix said. "I’m not slinging any mud. I’m just telling the truth."
2007 Mannix starts harassing "The Marc Bernier Show".
Marc Bernier
After calling this radio show over 150 times, they block Mannix from calling. Mannix sues the show for refusing to accept his calls. The lawsuit went badly for Mannix, because when all was said and done, he was ordered to pay over $10,000 to Bernier's attorneys.
2007 Sues radio host Marc Bernier for $3,000 for refusing to accept his phone calls
2008 Bernier counter sued and won $10,000 for attorney fees
Mannix actually sued Marc Bernier's lawyers secretary over this one.
*See Marc Bernier Lawsuit below
*Marc Bernier Lawsuit
Since 1989, Mannix has sued 28 times in Washington County Circuit Court, not counting a divorce case and an application for a concealed handgun permit. He has sued three times in Bristol Circuit Court, not counting the Bernier case. He would not discuss in detail how he finances his legal crusades, but estimated that he has sunk perhaps $10,000 in them over more than two decades. He would spend that much again fighting to deny Bernier’s attorneys from collecting money he thinks they’re not entitled to, he said.LOLSUIT FAIL
“Unreasonable and oppressive”
In September 2005, a local Christian radio station filed a complaint in Sullivan County, Tenn., against Mannix for telephone harassment, a misdemeanor.
The programming director for WPWT claimed Mannix, in one month, had called about “150 times, tying up our phone lines and disrupting our business,” according to the affidavit.
Mannix doubts he called that many times. But the dispute heightened when Washington County, Va., officers picked him up at his home, and booked him as a fugitive from a felony.
“Telephone harassment,” Mannix mused. “How bad would it have to be to be a felony?”
Mannix’s case against Florida-based radio host Marc Bernier – for refusing to take his phone calls and taking out a warrant for telephone harassment – has long since flipped the other way, as Bernier successfully reversed the $3,000 default judgment entered against him, and a circuit court judge slapped Mannix with hefty sanctions.
Mannix contested the initial $10,000 in sanctions – designed to punish someone who sues frivolously or to harass – all the way to the Supreme Court. After the high court refused to hear the appeal, Bernier’s lawyers – who by then had racked up more fees defending the appeal – filed a petition to tack another $1,000 of expenses onto Mannix’s bill. The circuit court judge presiding over the case approved it – and went a step further.
“Mr. Mannix is ordered to make payments of at least $200.00 per month until the full amount of monetary sanctions is paid,” states the Aug. 21, 2009, order approved by Judge Isaac St. Clair Freeman. Freeman also ordered that he would “superintend ministerially the execution of [his] orders, including enforcement of the Court’s directive that Mr. Mannix make regular minimum monthly payments.”
But Mannix did not pay. He appealed.
Pat Mannix Saga 2007-Present - The internet and the birth of Flaglerchat
Pat Mannix goes back on Topix to slam Marc Bernier
Also starts a very "Flaglerchat like" blog badmouthing Bernier.
Posts PI accusing him of having a gay husband, and that his gay husband beats him "like a rented mule".
This is where Patrick Mannix decided to be more careful about hiding his identity. He split his lust for PI and his natural gadfly personality into 2 distinct characters.
The first, Flaglerchat, a 15 yr old boy who posts nonsensical strings of PI.
Mannix/Flaglerchat has literally hundreds of alternate accounts, and literally thousands of permanent and throw away IP and email addresses.
But his most famous alternate account, a 35 year old transvestite named Obnoxious Bitch, fulfilled his desire to be a gadfly.
But instead of annoying the Washington County Board of Supervisors, Mannix/Flaglerchat focuses his rage at message board owners through his creation Obnoxious Bitch.
OB is the champion of Flaglerchat's right to post PI and his own #1 fan
Other Patrick Mannix/Flaglerchat victims
Flaglerchat target Jean Jenner- bought FlaglerRepublicans.com
Flaglerchat PI target Jack Venooker "Troll Kingdom"
Hear Jack Venooker's voicemail message to Patrick
Flaglerchat PI target Nuke "Flame Warriors"
Flaglerchat PI target Iguana Goddess "Reject-Haven"
Flaglerchat's forum "NothinbtPI", where Obnoxious Bitch is the only other poster
Don't believe those Patrick Mannix lies!!
Since none of the information in this blog is new really, Patrick Mannix (Flaglerchat) has attempted to mislead people into thinking he's Professor Patrick Mannix of Ohio, Dean of Chancellor University.
More bullshit, and yet another Flaglerchat victim. Would anyone be dumb enough to believe Flaglerchat is a writer, let alone a college Professor?!?!?
Who wrote this? Flaglerchat or Obnoxious Bitch?!?!?!
5-29 2010
Daniel Quitschau
My worldwide organisation has received numerous complaints regarding Writing Forums Org., a forum I understand, is owned and Administered by yourself.
All the complaints are concerning the heavy handed and abusive methods adopted by David Cogito, a Moderator at said forum.
My organisation instructed several of our most talented colleagues to sign up to your forum to confirm or deny these allegations.
Unfortunately, their findings were found to justify the complaints received and your "cogito" was proved beyond doubt that he is a man unsuited for an administrative role in that forum.
Our members were banned simply for asking questions relating to writing and the sharing of knowledge.
We would like you, as the owner of that forum, to immediately terminate his position there.
Patrick Mannix
World Writers Guild.
Arrested again on an extradition warrant for calling talk radio
2009 Letter slamming public officials about Arrest on extradition warrant for calling talk radio, calls himself a "writer".
What do Patrick Mannix's neighbors think about him?
Here is a "man" that goes to his mail box on Holidays and Sundays, to check for mail wearing his houserobe, baseball cap, sandles and white socks, no pants or shirt, in the middle of the day. He jiggles the flag on the mailbox (three times) and opens and closes the mailbox door (three times) and sticks his hand in to feel around to make sure he didn't miss something. He will repeat this trip, clothed thank God after the first trip, and preform his ritual about two or three times during the course of a day. What does this tell you???http://www.topix.com/forum/city/bristol-va/T5VA7C903OJM7KBIP
Chicken bones make Patrick MADD!!!!
I wonder if he ever caught the feller that threw chicken bones in his yard in High Meadows. Put a sign up offering a reward for the perps. Lol a self made moron!http://www.topix.com/forum/city/bristol-va/T5VA7C903OJM7KBIP
It appears Patrick Mannix/Flaglerchat/Obnoxious Bitch will never stop unless he/she/it is put where he/she/it belongs.
All information in this blog has been obtained from the internet.
muwahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!
-Flaglerchat aka Patrick Mannix